Monday, February 2, 2015

How Time Flies

Chinese New Year coming soon. This year I'm 27 years old. 3 more years to reach 30. Growing and learning every year, getting more matured each year. 
Start to refresh back memories for the past 27 years. All the sweet, sad, bad and unhappy memories, then only I realised how much I have learned and how much I have gone through. The most important is I realise my parents are getting old, but still treating us like their little kids. 

My dad will still worry when I work late and come back home late, my mom will still worry if I am hungry. Dad will always call if I still haven reach home and mom will always go out very early to pack some food for my breakfast. I just love my parents so much and how lucky I am to have both of them as my parents. I do argue with my parents sometimes, but is just a process of making us understand each others. 

CNY 2015 arriving, have to start to plan to remove all the unhappy memories and say Hi to new happy memories. My new year resolution, never allow negative energy influence my mind and my thinking. I am happy with my work, family and my life. So, I have to stay firm with it. Life is not easy and we have to face lots of different challenges, but I am ensuring myself that as long as i always think positive, everything will be alright. 

Just like below picture, our team faced lots of difficulty, and challenges. With all the hard work and encouragement from each other, we manage to finish the 2nd festive project at our development Oasis Square.  

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